Factory Rituals /archive recordings from 1988/, free download from Autopsia.net.
Autopsia Factory Rituals
As a rule of thumb, Heathen Harvest does not generally cover net releases. But, as Autopsia took the time to elaborately package and send a CD-R version of this release our way, we're going to go ahead and give them the benefit of a doubt. That, and we can't seem to get enough of the band around here! Factory Rituals was initially a soundtrack for an exhibition that Autopsia took part in in Belgrade, Serbia, in 1989. These tracks are not and were not available in any format prior to this digital release and as such can be considered their own entity. The tracks have been digitally remastered from the original 4-channel tape and contain no manipulations via computers or samplers.
This release will bring a nostalgic point of memory to any fan of Autopsia who has followed their works from their early days. As such, Factory Rituals sounds nearly exactly what one could conjure in their imagination about the sound of the workings inside. Upon the entrance of the work, we're led up a cold stone stairway through ornately carved wood doors into the factory, full of harmonic Gregorian chants. Monks shattered in time itself, amongst the ruined rusted metal fragments of existence. Mind you, it doesn't seem this release is meant to be a solidified conceptual album, but rather seven experimentations that play into this time frame (1984 – 1989). You WILL go between tracks, sometimes abruptly, and not be able to simply flow
with the music. As the press sheet states though, “Music is order and disorder”. Both, indeed, are found here in great volume.
From industrial rhythms and dark ambient backgrounds to relentless choral swells and droning to dramatic stringed sequences, Factory Rituals brings about music that is rarely heard these days. Too many put too much faith in the technology they use today as a means to create great works of industrial noise and experimental compositions. However, with this journey into the birth of Autopsia, it is quickly seen that the tools readily available to most of us, perhaps even collecting the dust of time in the basements of friends and family, are capable of creating quality and fascinating works.
As with most music on this level though, there is definitely a spiritual synthesis to be found in Factory Rituals. It is more than noise, more than music, more than making a point. There are few projects today who can claim to have the same passion for what they do now 20 years later down the road as they did in their artistic birth. Simply put, its through this authentic manifestation of talent that Autopsia not only continues to compose great works of art, but continues to inspire its listeners now two decades later. If you don't understand what I'm saying, feel free to check out the score artwork available for download with the album from their website. Intricate, beautiful, and strangely inhuman.
Sage Heathen Harvest
Available as free download at the Autopsia website, FACTORY RITUALS is a soundtrack
they did for an exhibition held in Belgrade back in 1989. The seven tracks of the album bring me back to the sound of the early Autopsia releases (the "Palladium", "The Knife" and "Death is the Mother of Beauty" years") when they used choruses, industrial sounds and military rhythms. I really appreciated this release as the tracks are able to create an hypnotic atmosphere (see track IV for example with that looped strings/blows orchestra) avoiding the boredom effect. Mind you, Autopsia isn't offering these high quality mp3s for free because they aren't worth a CD release as all the seven tracks are good ones. Download them all while they are available!
Maurizio Pustianaz, Chain DLK
1 comment:
I have just recently become aware of your wonderful music.... is it possible to listen to Factory Rituals? Thank you!
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